
Watch "Tragedy averted: 15 year old Samuel saved" on YouTube

Samuel, a 15-year-old boy who came to CHAMA invasion with his mother to volunteer. In the middle of the night on the second day, I was woken up by Pastor Jacob saying "this boy is dying... he is visibly shaking".

At a close examination, his eyes were already pale and he was getting cold from the feet. PCV test was carried out. PVC is a full blood count test that is used to estimate the need for certain blood transfusions and monitor the response to treatment.

The result showed that he was severely anemic with less than 11% blood. A volunteer, warrior Moses from the Umuahia chapter volunteered and donated 1 pint of blood and Sam underwent a blood transfusion. He fully was revived and handed back to her mother.

In the video below, CHAMA CEO was seeing Sam and his mother off on a motorbike on their way back to their home.

There shall be no loss. You cannot lose your life in the service of others. Do not be afraid to serve. "Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it." (Math 10:39).

Dr. Olugu Ukpai
@Man On A Mission #MOM#
"Your greatest ministry will come out of your greatest pain" (Rick Warren)



Challenge AIDS & Malaria in Africa (CHAMA) is a registered not for profit charity foundation in honor of "Goodness" (a twin sister to "Mercy") who died of Malaria in March 20th, 2006. Based out of Halifax, Nova Scotia, CHAMA aspires to be Africa’s most vibrant community organization for healthcare and well being by treating Malaria, reducing poverty and the incident of HIV/AIDS infection in Sub-Sharan Africa.

Contact Us

6649 Chisholm Avenue
Halifax, Nova Scotia CANADA B3L 2R6

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 902 431 4630
Cell: 902 223 2790